Monday 9 March 2015

 This morning my oldest son Grant and I set out for Midland.  This is around the half way mark.  It's the first time I've been leading the way.   Taken Mar.9/15
 Grant with Giant's Tomb Island in the background.

 A few pictures from the lookout near Indian Harbour.  Taken Mar.9/15

 The Pig just south of O'Donnell Point

Push ice piled high along the shore of Hatch Island just south of O'Donnell Point.  The striking ice blue colour not show  in the photos.  Taken Mar.9/15
 The O'Donnell Point light.
10' high piles of push ice.  It's starting to melt!  Taken Mar.9/15


  1. Amazing photos!! So look forward to the spring breakup photos. Thanks for keeping us in touch over the winter. We appreciate your efforts.
    The Mulligans on Five Mile Narrows

  2. These are beautiful! It's nice to get a peak at a world that is unreachable for many of us. Thank you for keeping everyone updated. The Dancy/Graham Family from Pare and Post Islands, Spider Bay.
